Bookings & Quotes
Book us
186 Derby St, Gisborne
0800 GO TAXI
06 867 22 22

Enquiries & bookings
We at Gisborne Taxi’s do our best, however if you do need to make a complaint
please CONTACT us in the first instance.
To assist with a complaint, it would be helpful for you to provide the Taxi number or vehicle
registration, name on the drivers ID card, date and time of trip, pick up and drop off location or
location of incident.
Complaints can be investigated without this information, but may result in us being unable to
identify the driver/vehicle, so the more information you can provide the better it is for you.
Complaints made to Gisborne Taxis will be acknowledged within the next working day.
Passengers are also able to complain to the NZTA. If the matter is serious, or concerns criminal
activity, you should contact the New Zealand Police immediately.